Friday, September 5, 2014

Do you feel it?  Do you feel the Holy Spirit telling us it's time to pray?  I feel it so strongly.  Folks, it is time to pray!  You know, you don't have to be a scholar proficient in the doctrinal faith to say a prayer.  Prayer is just a personal relationship between you and God.  He hears the prayers, "Help me!" just as much as he hears the Latin prayers offered up in the tallest cathedrals in the world.  He longs to speak to our hearts and fill us with more revelation of who he is.  We just have to take that step and call out to him from our hearts.  Maybe you've never learned how to develop a prayer life.  No one is able to do that for you, but here are some thoughts that might help you get started. Becoming a Praying Family  I would also add to start with reading the Bible and praying scripture.  God will speak to you just because you ask.  There's no right or wrong way to do it.  Are you ready?  Let's become prayer warriors for God and trust that He will meet us where we are!