Today on
Woman to Woman Ministries, I shared about the
Importance of Acceptance of our children. So many times, I spend a great deal of time talking about what things need to be done or fixed or corrected, that I forget to remind my kids what I really like about them and what they accomplish. So, today I want to share with you some of the things that I'm proud about with my kids...

Ashlee: She is such a good big sister to her siblings. I know they drive her crazy at times, but she never fails to take them out and spend time with them individually and make them feel special. She works hard at her job and has proved her consistency by being there for a long time. A lot of kids her age are trying to find themselves and are very lost with who they are and don't even hold a job down, but Ashlee sticks with it even through the tough stuff (and this has been a tough year for her). I'm proud of you, Ashlee. Keep up the good work!
Bree: She has come a long way since that first day we met her. I'm so proud of her perserverance to better herself and her determination to finish school and be successful with everything she does. She is preparing to be a momma and I know she'll do a great job at it.

Britnee: I'm so proud of all that you have aspired to. You have accomplished so much in your school work, working hard to get it all done. I'm also so proud of your progression you have made in your photography work and business. You have great talent. You also continue to shine the light of Jesus wherever you go. Your work in the youth group and Children's ministry is over the top and I know your crowns in heaven will be great!

Bradlee: My boy might show a tough exterior, but really he's come a long way from where he used to be. He might still be shy, but he has learned to overcome those fears and stand in front of a crowd and give a speech, like this year in Debate/Speech. He always makes us laugh out loud, for real. I always have called him my Apple Jack Laugh, a name he gave himself when he was about 3 years old and would tell us jokes to get us to laugh. He's still making us laugh today. He did a fantastic job in playing football this year and being part of a team that works together to get the job done. And a side of Bradlee that most people don't even know...this year we had a dear friend come live with us with her children for a season. Bradlee has blown me away with his tenderness and love to those children. He has jumped right in there to help care for them. He will one day be a great father, I can tell already! You are a treasure to me, Bradlee Wyatt!

Ellee: My sweet little Ellee Belle. We have certainly come a long way! You have had to be my brave one way more often than I would wish for any kid. You have conquered so many fears and have defeated the odds on so many levels. I'm so proud of your willingness to help with anything I need help with, your sweet spirit towards animals and those less fortunate than others, you're a true friend to everyone around you, and your genuine interest in being the best you can be. Just recently you finished a project on the Mayas that took a long time to prepare. You did such a great job on it! You are so helpful to care for the babies at anytime we need you and so flexible just to jump in the car and see where the next hour takes you. I love your passion for reading and learning. I also love the way you make me laugh. I'm lucky to be your momma!

Dear Jesus how I cried at this post. What a beautiful tribute to your children. You're a wonderful momma and I'm so grateful that God has allowed me a front row seat for a time to witness your momma work in action. Thanks for letting me be such a part of your life and for teaching me by example what family and love are all about. You truly do have some amazing children and I've grown very fond of them all. I can only pray someday my three will grow up to be a little like yours in their kindness, work ethic, generosity and tender and beautiful spirits. It's a blessing to love your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks Momma:)