Wearing as many hats as I do, there's never enough hours to my days! But I know my steps are ordered by my Heavenly Father and He'll provide the grace I need to make it every day....even if it's just 5 minutes at a time!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee The Sixth Day More Ruffled D...
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee The Sixth Day More Ruffled D...: The 12 Days of Ellee On the Sixth Day of Ellee My mother made for me More Ruffled Dresses A Red Dress with Short Sleeves ,...
Friday, December 25, 2015
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee The Fifth Day The Red Christm...
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee The Fifth Day The Red Christm...: The 12 Days of Ellee On the Fifth Day of Ellee My mother made for me A Red Dress with Short Sleeves, A Sassy Little Mini D...
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Worship Wednesday: Becky Kelley - Where's the Line to See Jesus
Worship Wednesday: Where's The Line To See Jesus by Becky Kelley
I stumbled upon this song several years ago as I was running through my Facebook news feed. I marveled at the concept that this song puts into our thoughts. It's a perfect remembrance of the reason for the season. One day, we will all stand before our Heavenly Father, in glorious worship, where time will not be important. We will no longer be bound by time or so many other commitments and concerns. Oh, what a glorious day that will be!
With only a little more than a week left till Christmas day, I'll be heading to these overcrowded stores with the masses to be that last minute shopper hustling around like a herd of animals. I'm probably going to be more stressed out this week than most. I pray that my heart would be in the right place as I am a living witness of the miracle of my Savior's birth. May you, also, find the line that let's you see Jesus.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee: The Fourth Day The Sassy Li...
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee: The Fourth Day The Sassy Li...: The 12 Days of Ellee On the Fourth Day of Ellee My mother made for me A Sassy Little Mini Dress One Gaping Green Dress A F...
Monday, December 14, 2015
Dear Momma Monday: Mommy Fail
Dear Momma,
We have those days. Those days when we feel like we messed up big time with our kids. We forgot to send a lunch. We locked our kids in the car with the keys inside (I admit it. Really bad day.) We yelled at a kid for just doing what kids do. We didn't take a kid to the doctor because we thought they were faking it, only to find out they were really very sick. What's your story? We all have them. And some days (usually certain times of the month-not naming which times) we just question whether we're even set up to do this gig.
Oh, and here's a good one: The comparison game. Sister Suzy seems to be the perfect mom. She makes sure the kids brush their teeth (even the baby who doesn't have teeth, because you can never start too early, right?) Or the one that has all the neighborhood kids over and supplies endless amounts of snacks for everyone (you know your kids tell you have nothing to eat at your house). Or the mom that looks good ALL THE TIME! She even has make up on at Walmart! I mean, you're lucky you got a shower in the last 3 days, let alone make up! Or, let's go a little deeper. That wife that "takes care of her husband". I mean, really? Are you trying to make us all look bad???? Here's another one. The friend that seems to always have time to have deep spiritual talks and time with God and always has fresh revelation to share with others. Your prayer time sounds more like, "Help! I'm confused, hurt, and lonely and need more time! I can never be that spiritual to fill my cup because the kids ALWAYS consume me!" How does she do it? Why can't I be more like her?
I'm going to guess that someone out there knows what I'm talking about. I'm going to guess that you've heard the same lying thoughts in your ears that says I'm not good enough. I'm not what I thought I would be. I have failed at .... I'm here today to tell you that you are not those lies that you tell yourself. Those lies are from the pit of hell, left there to discourage you and beat you down as you travel on your journey in motherhood.
God has picked you for this place and time in eternity to touch a soul. He knows that you are incapable of doing it all perfect. He's really good at using imperfect people to do amazing things. I mean, look at David, whose heart was said to be "a heart after God", and yet he was a murderer, consumed by his lusts of another man's wife. Look at Paul. He killed Christians. He was rough around the edges. Yet God used him to spread the message of Christ to the world. What about Rahab? She was a prostitute that was used to protect God's people from death! I would say these people were just a few of the many that were less than perfect, yet were still chosen by God to do a job. He has chosen you to be the mom of your children. You CAN do it and you're the best person to do it!
So, even on those days that you feel like you have a big "FAIL" written across your forehead, remember, you can pick yourself back up. His mercies are new every morning. And sometimes we need to see that His mercies are new every minute. You can do this! You can rise above your circumstance and carry on. One minute at a time! Acknowledge your imperfect and embrace it. Learn from it and grow from it. Because some little body needs you. Just the way you are!
All Things New: The Twelve Days of Ellee Third Day: Gaping Green...
All Things New: The Twelve Days of Ellee Third Day: Gaping Green...: The 12 Days of Ellee On the Third Day of Christmas my mother made for me... One Gaping Green Shirt A Fitted Chevron D...
Friday, December 11, 2015
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee
All Things New: The 12 Days of Ellee: The 12 Days of Ellee Meet my youngest daughter, Ellee. She is 13 years old and she is definitely my girlie girl of the bunch! She g...
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Worship Wednesday: Just Another Christmas
Today's worship song might have been posted a little late, but when I heard this song, I thought how true this song Just Another Christmas by Laura Story truly is. It's so easy to get caught up on all the things that need to get done during the holidays. Sometimes it just feels like auto pilot as you buy the gifts, make the food, go to Christmas plays and concerts, blah, blah, blah. It feels like it just all comes at ya, sometimes with no meaning or feeling. Yes, we all know what it means, but I'm talking about really living in the revelation that the God who made us now provided the long anticipated connection between Him and His Bride. By this magic moment the whole earth, for all eternity, would be forever changed. Divinity touched humanity.
I've heard it said that December 25th would not have been the actual day of the Savior's birth. In a sense, I'm glad that is true because of what we have made the "Holy Day" to be. I want to make a concentrated effort to make this not just another year, but to seek His presence during this season. I want to live it as a young child experiencing it for the very first time. I don't want it to be diluted with my "to do"s and the unnecessary extras. I want to worship my God as I remember the awesome wonder that He did when He gave everything to be with me. Join me as I worship today.
Friday, December 4, 2015
All Things New: The First Refashion Friday!
All Things New: The First Refashion Friday!: It's A Tie Dye Kinda Day So here it is! My first of many remakes of my thrift store buys! I'm so excited to show off my t...
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Worship Wednesday: Good Good Father
This song has been on my heart lately. It's not just for the fact that it is played on the radio A LOT, but because the words just speak to me so greatly. When I was a young girl, very young, I was daddy's girl. I remember my dad would be sleeping in the recliner and I just couldn't wait to climb up into his arms and rest on his chest with no cares in the world. His arms were comfort and security for me. His chest moving up and down let me know that I was close to his heart, his very breath. I knew I was his girl and I was truly loved.
Time and circumstances changed that relationship between me and my earthly father. After my parents divorced, my mom and sister and I moved more than 700 miles away from my dad. He struggled with depression and distanced himself from us. The relationship we had never put me back in the arms of my dad. To this day, there are moments that I would just love to curl up on my daddy's lap and rest in knowing that he's got this. I know he loves me, but life (and sin) marred the picture of our relationship.
When I hear this song, Good Good Father, I am reminded that I truly have a good, good father. My earthly father loved me, but so much more does my heavenly father! My Heavenly Father does not fail me. He is perfect is all His ways. Not just for everyone else, but to me. He sees the tears when no one else knows to look. He tenderly holds me and tells me to rest in His arms. To rest. Without the cares of this world. Because He's got this. And because of who He is, I have an identity. It's found in Him. I am loved. I. am. loved. That who I am. If you ask me who I am, my response would be, "a daughter to Caroline, a wife to Tim, a mother to Ash, Bree, Brit, Brad, and El, a housecleaner for ..., a friend to ...". But, when I let it sink in that "I am loved by my good, good Father," I have a new identity. I am loved! And you are loved. When it feels like the world is crashing down, you are loved. Your heavenly Father knows you and loves you. You can come against anything that comes your way with rest and reassurance that your Heavenly Father has got this.
Be blessed as you listen and worship with Casting Crowns as they sing Chris Tomlin's Good Good Father.
Monday, November 30, 2015
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Rules: No purchase necessary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US residents only. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or associated by Facebook. By entering this giveaway, you agree to release Facebook, Woman to Woman Ministries and all participating bloggers of all liability. Contest ends at 11:59PM CST on December 6, 2015. Winner is randomly chosen by Rafflecopter and will be emailed.
Woman to Woman Ministries
Jenifer Metzger – Sweet Blessings
Shari A. Miller – Living to Leave a Legacy
Angie Ketcham – Just Five More Minutes of Grace
Whitney Cornelison – Beauty in the Mess
Phyllis Sather – Write the Vision
Jacque Gerlach – Whole Family Strong
Christa Hutchins – Do A New Thing
Callie Domingus – Mama’s Coffee Shop
Callie Domingus – Mama Loves
Gena Mayo – I Choose Joy!
Maria Davis – Middle Places
Jaime Prideaux – Coupons and Freebies Mama
Sara Elizabeth – A Mama’s Story
Heather Bixler – I Love Words Art
Kara Cupp
Deborah Flora – A Delightful Glow
Jennifer Ross – The Focused Homemaker
A Fresh Start
Hey Friends! I'm baaaaack! I've been so excited to reopen my blog and share with you the things that God has put on my heart recently! I've decided that this time around things are going to be set up a little different, though. Since I've been gone I've made some changes to my life. My first grandchild was born this summer to my daughter and I really wanted to make my time with him one of my top priorities. When my children were young I missed so many moments because I was always so busy with "life" that I was never in the moment. I have vowed that this time around was going to be different. I left my position as a children's pastor to accomplish this. I miss working with the kids, but now my energy and creativity is back at home, where it belongs.
Not only have I put my energy back at home, but I've had time to refocus on the things that really matter to me. I have reprioritized my loves and interests to make room for things I love and new interests that I have discovered. That is where a blog revamping has come into play. Although I have accepted that I will not have the opportunity to blog everyday, I have some new directions I am going to take my blog. I hope that it will inspire you as I open my heart with new creativity and realizations of a momma with an everyday life, lived for Jesus as best I can.
Monday will alternate between "Mommy Mondays" and "My Life Mondays". I will share my experiences as a Mom and encouragement (hopefully) and frustrations as we walk this journey of motherhood together. Some days will just be about me and my story, because we all have a story to tell. I might share pictures of my family and life's challenges as a mom of adult children. Also, some of the challenges we've been through on our journey of adoption. The good and the bad.
Tuesday will be "'Round To It Tuesday". There has been many projects that I have wanted to get to but have never had the time. Some are very fun and interesting projects that might produce creativity in someone. So, I'm going to share some of those things with you and hopefully motivate someone to do the same.
Wednesday will be "Worship Wednesday". Music inspires me greatly and has had a huge impact on my life, getting me through some of the toughest times. Sharing what a song means to me at a particular moment in my life, we can connect through music and worship. Perhaps I will even be able to hear how a song has affected you.
Thursday will be "Deep Thoughts Thursday". I clean houses for a living. When cleaning, there is a lot of time for thinking. This is when God speaks His truths to my heart the most. I want to share what Good News God has put on my heart. I believe He knows who needs to hear the words I pen and the Holy Spirit will speak life into YOUR hearts as I share from His Word.
Friday will be "Refashion Friday". This is one of the newest creations that has gained my attention recently. Inspired by refashionista.net, I have started my own thrift store shopping and creating new fashions. I'm excited to share what I've created and will be sharing on my new blog first, All Things New. I've already finished several refashion projects and can't wait to share them with you. Follow me on my new page also, to be notified of contests and promotions.
The weekends will be a Wild Card, if I post. So, to start the fun, I am participating in a giveaway for those who follow my page. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest and be entered to win $400! Good luck and God Bless!
Not only have I put my energy back at home, but I've had time to refocus on the things that really matter to me. I have reprioritized my loves and interests to make room for things I love and new interests that I have discovered. That is where a blog revamping has come into play. Although I have accepted that I will not have the opportunity to blog everyday, I have some new directions I am going to take my blog. I hope that it will inspire you as I open my heart with new creativity and realizations of a momma with an everyday life, lived for Jesus as best I can.
Monday will alternate between "Mommy Mondays" and "My Life Mondays". I will share my experiences as a Mom and encouragement (hopefully) and frustrations as we walk this journey of motherhood together. Some days will just be about me and my story, because we all have a story to tell. I might share pictures of my family and life's challenges as a mom of adult children. Also, some of the challenges we've been through on our journey of adoption. The good and the bad.
Tuesday will be "'Round To It Tuesday". There has been many projects that I have wanted to get to but have never had the time. Some are very fun and interesting projects that might produce creativity in someone. So, I'm going to share some of those things with you and hopefully motivate someone to do the same.
Wednesday will be "Worship Wednesday". Music inspires me greatly and has had a huge impact on my life, getting me through some of the toughest times. Sharing what a song means to me at a particular moment in my life, we can connect through music and worship. Perhaps I will even be able to hear how a song has affected you.
Thursday will be "Deep Thoughts Thursday". I clean houses for a living. When cleaning, there is a lot of time for thinking. This is when God speaks His truths to my heart the most. I want to share what Good News God has put on my heart. I believe He knows who needs to hear the words I pen and the Holy Spirit will speak life into YOUR hearts as I share from His Word.
Friday will be "Refashion Friday". This is one of the newest creations that has gained my attention recently. Inspired by refashionista.net, I have started my own thrift store shopping and creating new fashions. I'm excited to share what I've created and will be sharing on my new blog first, All Things New. I've already finished several refashion projects and can't wait to share them with you. Follow me on my new page also, to be notified of contests and promotions.
The weekends will be a Wild Card, if I post. So, to start the fun, I am participating in a giveaway for those who follow my page. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest and be entered to win $400! Good luck and God Bless!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I Got That Hypothyroid Feeling
For all those that have been faithful followers of my blog and have not found me, I sincerely apologize. A few months back, I felt as if my busy life had just caught up with me. I was feeling run down and overwhelmed by even the simplest days. I have trained myself to just keep on going no matter how tired I am. Don't stop. As Dory always said in the movie Nimo, "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming...", but I still could hardly keep up with my schedule. I decided to talk to my doctor and, after running blood tests, learned that my thyroid isn't working like it should and I'm also dealing with high cholesterol (which means a total diet overhaul). The doctor put me on Synthroid to adjust the thyroid, saying it could take up to six weeks to take effect. Currently, I have good days where I'm on the ball (only taking two hour naps) and then there are days that I don't have enough energy to cook breakfast (and the rest of the day is downhill from there). So, I'm putting aside the things that aren't vital to my existence (like blogging) until I get to where my brain can handle it all again.
I hope that you are still reading my blogs on w2wministries.org, every Friday for family day. I am always faithful to keep that commitment. Plus, check out other days of the week, as I work with the best team of ladies that encourage and uplift you in many areas of your life. If you have time, share a little love with a note or comment on our blogs. It really gives encouragement. God bless each of you and, as Arnold Swarzenager says, "I'll be back."
I hope that you are still reading my blogs on w2wministries.org, every Friday for family day. I am always faithful to keep that commitment. Plus, check out other days of the week, as I work with the best team of ladies that encourage and uplift you in many areas of your life. If you have time, share a little love with a note or comment on our blogs. It really gives encouragement. God bless each of you and, as Arnold Swarzenager says, "I'll be back."
Friday, March 20, 2015
Prom Dresses and Bible Studies
Well, my baby girl got asked to her last prom this week. It has made me realize how quickly time flies! It seemed like just yesterday I was so sad and trying to figure out how to help my baby girl not cry when I dropped her off at school. For the better half of the first quarter of second grade (we homeschooled kindergarten and first) she cried every day at school. We read the book, The Kissing Hand, every day and she would bravely open her hand as tears ran down her face. I would kiss that tiny, little hand and close it up to hold that kiss that would have to last til 3:00. I played brave, but, truth was, I was crying inside too, wishing that I didn't have to send my baby out into the real world to fight dragons (or maybe just having to make friends, whichever). My heart ached at the thought that they would make her go out on those cold, 30* days, and catch her death of cold! Funny, she did make friends. She made it through that cold winter. And she has become a strong, independent woman. I am confident that she is going to make it without me. And maybe that makes me a little sad inside too. I am thankful that we got to spend the day together for a few hours this week. I'm thankful that she shared her heart with me about her future and where she's at now. I'm glad that God provided an opportunity for me to hear where her heart is. I'm also glad that we decided that we could encourage one another by starting a bible study time together. We picked out some books that we liked (of course, I bought them all) and hopefully we will begin those within the week. I hate that my baby has to grow up, but thankful that we have grown up together. I'm thankful for these moments. Prom dresses and Bible studies. I can do this!
Friday, March 13, 2015
Thinking about Dreams
Today on w2wministries.org I posted about the dreams that God has given us. I am excited as God has placed within me dreams. Things have not always happened like I planned. Definitely never happened as fast as I thought they would. But I am thankful, as I begin the second half of life, that I can look back and see what He might have had in mind by giving me the dreams He did. For that I am thankful. I will continue to dream. We are never too old to dream:) I'm excited to see what He does with this next 40 years of life!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Taking the Time I Need
Sometimes it's really hard to just stop with the busyness and just listen to what the Holy Spirit would have you to do. At least it is for me. From the time my brain clicks "Open for Business" in the morning, I'm thinking of all the things I need to get done and how I'm going to accomplish it all. This week has been busy, as I work every other week cleaning houses. It has been hard to catch up with the things that need to get done. But in the midst of it all, my dear friend had surgery. Not only did she have surgery, but one of her children had their tonsils and adenoids taken out and two of her other children had their wisdom teeth removed. So, pretty much the whole family is down and out and dad had to head off to work this morning. So, I have chosen to hear the voice of God this morning. Quite frankly, I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't answer immediately, but then I was reminded that I don't have to carry the guilt of that:) All I have to do is answer when He calls and today he's called in a sweet voice of a friend who needs my help. I will spend my day taking care of my friend and her kids. I'm so blessed to have the privilege. Thank you, God, for my dear friends.
Friday, February 20, 2015
My Friends Rock!
Today is an exciting day as I'm preparing to go out of town with some of my girlfriends. We are going to a conference for Children's ministry workers. Some may think that might sound boring or lame, but I get to hang out with these ladies that are the cream of the crop! I'm so lucky to get to work alongside the best besties! So, I'll brag on these ladies for starters (since I talked about the women friendships in my w2wministries blog today.
There's Becky.
Becky is the most faithful person I know. We've been friends a long time and our kids have grown up together. Even during a time when I wasn't around, Becky has been faithful to the church and the commitments she is a part of. I only wish I was such a faithful servant. Becky is my brain (cause a lot of times I wonder if I have one). She keeps me on task and remembers all the important details. She has the kindest heart and thinks of others above herself. She has overcome many obstacles in her life, but has remained faithful to serve God through it all. I am so glad God has blessed my life with her friendship and her help. And I hope our season of friendship continues for a long time.
There's Kathy.
My sweet Kathy always knows how to cheer this girl. She is a wonderful listener. She has been through the ropes in her own life and has great insight in how to be sucessful in marriage and life. She is always willing to jump in and help where needed. She has such a tender heart for the kids. She's not afraid to shed a tear or two, but she is afraid to take the stage. But she'd even do that for me;) I love my Ms. Kathy!
There's Tammy.
Tammy and I met this summer and I have liked her from the start! We definitely have kindred spirits and her heart is genuine. She was always there this summer when we were preparing for our big VBS event. I loved that time because I really got to know her well. I am excited that she has become a part of our team and I look forward to getting to know her better.
I am so blessed! These are just a few of the wonderful people that God has surrounded me with! Ladies, we are going to have a blast this weekend! Love you all and I'm so thankful for our friendships!
There's Becky.
Becky is the most faithful person I know. We've been friends a long time and our kids have grown up together. Even during a time when I wasn't around, Becky has been faithful to the church and the commitments she is a part of. I only wish I was such a faithful servant. Becky is my brain (cause a lot of times I wonder if I have one). She keeps me on task and remembers all the important details. She has the kindest heart and thinks of others above herself. She has overcome many obstacles in her life, but has remained faithful to serve God through it all. I am so glad God has blessed my life with her friendship and her help. And I hope our season of friendship continues for a long time.
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This is when Becky and I camped out in the church parking lot this summer to secure the VBS premises. Haha! |
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We've come so far! |
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Quick pose before church one morning. Sure love this girl! |
There's Kathy.
My sweet Kathy always knows how to cheer this girl. She is a wonderful listener. She has been through the ropes in her own life and has great insight in how to be sucessful in marriage and life. She is always willing to jump in and help where needed. She has such a tender heart for the kids. She's not afraid to shed a tear or two, but she is afraid to take the stage. But she'd even do that for me;) I love my Ms. Kathy!
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Here's the 3 amigas! I don't know why I can't find more of Kathy and I right now. I'll have to take some this weekend. |
There's Tammy.
Tammy and I met this summer and I have liked her from the start! We definitely have kindred spirits and her heart is genuine. She was always there this summer when we were preparing for our big VBS event. I loved that time because I really got to know her well. I am excited that she has become a part of our team and I look forward to getting to know her better.
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This was taken at our awards ceremony this week. I plan on taking many new pics this weekend with this girl! |
I am so blessed! These are just a few of the wonderful people that God has surrounded me with! Ladies, we are going to have a blast this weekend! Love you all and I'm so thankful for our friendships!
Friday, February 6, 2015
This Momma is Proud:)
Today on Woman to Woman Ministries, I shared about the Importance of Acceptance of our children. So many times, I spend a great deal of time talking about what things need to be done or fixed or corrected, that I forget to remind my kids what I really like about them and what they accomplish. So, today I want to share with you some of the things that I'm proud about with my kids...
Ashlee: She is such a good big sister to her siblings. I know they drive her crazy at times, but she never fails to take them out and spend time with them individually and make them feel special. She works hard at her job and has proved her consistency by being there for a long time. A lot of kids her age are trying to find themselves and are very lost with who they are and don't even hold a job down, but Ashlee sticks with it even through the tough stuff (and this has been a tough year for her). I'm proud of you, Ashlee. Keep up the good work!

Bree: She has come a long way since that first day we met her. I'm so proud of her perserverance to better herself and her determination to finish school and be successful with everything she does. She is preparing to be a momma and I know she'll do a great job at it.
Britnee: I'm so proud of all that you have aspired to. You have accomplished so much in your school work, working hard to get it all done. I'm also so proud of your progression you have made in your photography work and business. You have great talent. You also continue to shine the light of Jesus wherever you go. Your work in the youth group and Children's ministry is over the top and I know your crowns in heaven will be great!
Bradlee: My boy might show a tough exterior, but really he's come a long way from where he used to be. He might still be shy, but he has learned to overcome those fears and stand in front of a crowd and give a speech, like this year in Debate/Speech. He always makes us laugh out loud, for real. I always have called him my Apple Jack Laugh, a name he gave himself when he was about 3 years old and would tell us jokes to get us to laugh. He's still making us laugh today. He did a fantastic job in playing football this year and being part of a team that works together to get the job done. And a side of Bradlee that most people don't even know...this year we had a dear friend come live with us with her children for a season. Bradlee has blown me away with his tenderness and love to those children. He has jumped right in there to help care for them. He will one day be a great father, I can tell already! You are a treasure to me, Bradlee Wyatt!
Ellee: My sweet little Ellee Belle. We have certainly come a long way! You have had to be my brave one way more often than I would wish for any kid. You have conquered so many fears and have defeated the odds on so many levels. I'm so proud of your willingness to help with anything I need help with, your sweet spirit towards animals and those less fortunate than others, you're a true friend to everyone around you, and your genuine interest in being the best you can be. Just recently you finished a project on the Mayas that took a long time to prepare. You did such a great job on it! You are so helpful to care for the babies at anytime we need you and so flexible just to jump in the car and see where the next hour takes you. I love your passion for reading and learning. I also love the way you make me laugh. I'm lucky to be your momma!




Bree: She has come a long way since that first day we met her. I'm so proud of her perserverance to better herself and her determination to finish school and be successful with everything she does. She is preparing to be a momma and I know she'll do a great job at it.


Ellee: My sweet little Ellee Belle. We have certainly come a long way! You have had to be my brave one way more often than I would wish for any kid. You have conquered so many fears and have defeated the odds on so many levels. I'm so proud of your willingness to help with anything I need help with, your sweet spirit towards animals and those less fortunate than others, you're a true friend to everyone around you, and your genuine interest in being the best you can be. Just recently you finished a project on the Mayas that took a long time to prepare. You did such a great job on it! You are so helpful to care for the babies at anytime we need you and so flexible just to jump in the car and see where the next hour takes you. I love your passion for reading and learning. I also love the way you make me laugh. I'm lucky to be your momma!


Friday, January 16, 2015
Excited to Finally Start the New Year!
Yes, you read that right! It's January 16th and I'm just getting my new year going! You know the old saying, "Day Late and a Dollar Short"? Yep, that tends to always be me! Haha. But, as my blog talks about this morning, there's no need to beat myself up.! I'm just thankful for a break in my schedule to get busy. So, I drank a little extra liquid caffiene and now it's time to get to work!
What am I working on, you ask? Well, this is my objective...
I have papers coming at me from all directions! Ok, I might have a problem with saving EVERYTHING, but it has always been a relief when I am able to go back and find something I had read or an old reciept to return something or to reminisce about a child's old art project. So...I save. But I've become buried in papers, so, my first goal is to scan everything! My printer (worth its weight in gold) is a HP Officejet 4500 Wireless with a scanner, printer, and fax in one. I am able to go to the "Solutions Center" icon, that is created when I downloaded the software, and hit scan to file and voila! It's easy peasy! It scans and saves and then I rename the file, putting it directly unto my external hard drive, organized in whatever category it belongs (ie. church, home, blogs, pictures, etc.) and now I do the best part: throw the paper away! Now, this task is daunting and I plan to do scan all pictures that were pre-digital also, but I figure every paper or picture scanned is one step closer to sanity for me. My son also wants to earn a little extra cash, so I plan on sitting him down on the task and paying him for moving the project along (after he's done with his schoolwork, of course). So, there you have it. I may not come out of the dungeon, aka basement, for awhile. Now you'll know why. lol
What am I working on, you ask? Well, this is my objective...
I have papers coming at me from all directions! Ok, I might have a problem with saving EVERYTHING, but it has always been a relief when I am able to go back and find something I had read or an old reciept to return something or to reminisce about a child's old art project. So...I save. But I've become buried in papers, so, my first goal is to scan everything! My printer (worth its weight in gold) is a HP Officejet 4500 Wireless with a scanner, printer, and fax in one. I am able to go to the "Solutions Center" icon, that is created when I downloaded the software, and hit scan to file and voila! It's easy peasy! It scans and saves and then I rename the file, putting it directly unto my external hard drive, organized in whatever category it belongs (ie. church, home, blogs, pictures, etc.) and now I do the best part: throw the paper away! Now, this task is daunting and I plan to do scan all pictures that were pre-digital also, but I figure every paper or picture scanned is one step closer to sanity for me. My son also wants to earn a little extra cash, so I plan on sitting him down on the task and paying him for moving the project along (after he's done with his schoolwork, of course). So, there you have it. I may not come out of the dungeon, aka basement, for awhile. Now you'll know why. lol
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